Friday, November 18, 2005

Chapter 21

"El Diablo" was staking out the house of Ms. Tillerman. He could not believe that he had been able to get away with looking into her house. He could still taste the chocolate chip cookies that he had gotten from her kitchen. They were just as good as he remembered when he was younger. He could not believe how much he missed her cooking. He hated her and loved her at the same time.

It was so strange the feelings that he felt towards her. He knew that what she had done was wrong but then how could he love her at the same time. She had done something to him far worse than words could explain. It was something that he could not explain. He hoped that by "cleansing" her that these feelings would go away.

He hated the fact that he loved her. How could he love someone who had done him so wrong? She knew she had done wrong too. She had always treated him like the person that he wasn’t. She never treated him well. Always was making fun of him, always make him think less of himself, always making him do what he didn’t want to do. He hated her, yet she had shown him love in her own way and so he had to love her.

When he last saw her thirteen years ago, she had yelled at him to get out of her life for good. He had done as he was told because that is what he always did. He always obeyed her. Well that was about to change. He was not going to listen to her at all. He was going to take care of her the way that she deserved after the way she had treated him.

He had already done it to the other four and she was the final one that he needed to take care of. She should not be able to see this coming. Unless she thought really hard, she would not know what the connections were between everyone. Although if she thought back, she might remember how every single one of them were connected.

After all she was the one that they all knew and had loved. She was the one who had tried so hard to show them all love. She should remember her little lions, but it didn’t appear that she remembered at all. This angered him even more. How could she not remember how much each of them meant to her?

Maybe that was the ticket. Maybe they didn’t mean anything to her and she had just said that. He could not believe that she would be able to lie about something like love so easily. Maybe she didn’t maybe it was just a different kind of love for each of them. He was not sure but it was one of the things that he was bound and determined to ask her.

He felt that she had a lot of explaining to do when he finally got to talk to her. It was killing him that she had not returned home yet. He was getting anxious and wanted to finish this up so that all of the world would finally be "cleansed" from all the wrong doings of these people. It was getting so close that he could almost taste it.

It was very tiring having to sit out and stake out a house. He never wanted to be gone long for fear that he was going to miss out on seeing her return. He did not want to miss one second of seeing her. It had already been way too long since he had last spoken to her and he had not seen her in as long. It was something that he wanted to happen so bad.

At that moment, a taxi drove up to the house. This confused Roger because her car was not there and he had expected her car to drive up. When the passenger side door opened, he was surprised to see that it was her son Thomas who was getting out of the taxi. "What in the world is he doing here?" Roger asked his bobble head boxer, on his dashboard. The only response that he got was the dog bobbing his head up and down.

This was confusing and he wondered how this was going to play into the fact that he was going to be doing his final "cleansing" soon. He did not like to have surprises hit him and this was a big one. He hoped that he was just here for a visit and would be leaving in the morning. Maybe his mom was going to be returning the next day and he was just there to make sure that the house was in order. It was the only thing that he could think of and he hoped that it held true. Otherwise, there was going to have to be another killing that he did not expect.

He held nothing against her son, Thomas, and he hated the idea that he might have to get rid of him in order to get rid of his mother. His mother was the problem not him. If he had to, he would figure out a way to get him out of the house so that he would not have to be part of the "cleansing" process. He would have to wait and see if Thomas was going to be a problem or not. He hoped for Thomas’s sake that it would be easier rather than harder on him.


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